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A Fresh Start | Inktober 2018

Last year I took part in Inktober for the first time. I saw this as an opportunity to both create some new and exciting art and also challenge myself. Prior to starting Inktober 2017 I rarely finished drawings, I would get so far and either loose interest or motivation to see me illustrations to completion. Having seen so many inspirational illustrators take on the Inktober challenge I figured it would be a good chance for me to do so as well, and maybe finish some artwork for once. So with that in mind I took the plunge and set about creating a new illustration everyday for the entire month of October. It's probably worth noting that I was also working full time and freelancing at the same time, so it meant a fair deal of time management on my part just to be able to find time to draw.

Some Inktober 2017 drawings

Anyway, fast forward 31 days later and I completed it, 1 drawing everyday for an entire month (and not one of the fake ass short months like February). The feeling of satisfaction was amazing and I had a filled sketch book, something else I had yet to accomplish in my art/design career. What was also great about taking part in Inktober was that it was one of the things that swayed my new employers to take me on as a graphic designer after showing them what I had achieved in just one month of dedication to my craft. I find this amazing and wonder how things might have been had I not taken part in Inktober and not had that body of work to show my now current employers, would I be working here, perhaps not.

With all that said it's not surprising that I was well up for taking part in Inktober this year. But there were a few things I wanted to do differently this time around. For anyone that followed my work last year you will know that I attempted to create my own themes and follow them week to week. However, I didn't plan it all that well and eventually I began winging it (which worked to an extent) and found it more stressful than it needed to be. So to overcome this issues I am planning on following the official Inktober 2018 prompts. This would allow me to know exactly what I will be doing each day and push my imagination to come up with something to fit each word everyday. Also, this year I am less concerned about trying new styles, that was something I also wanted to push last year but this year I feel I have found my style and want to refine it and create pieces that really lend themselves to this look.

Currently I have completed the first week of Inktober 2018 and I have created 7 pieces so far (of varying success) and I'm really enjoying it. As mentioned before, I am generally sticking to one style as this creates a consistency in the body of work I will end up with. In regards to the prompts, I have recruited the help of Beth to help give me some inspiration for ideas to draw each day, and she's pretty good at it!

I'm really looking forward to having another full sketchbook and seeing what I manage to come up with by the end of Inktober. You can find my daily drawings on my instagram.


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